THE BRIEF: Create a design style for a campaign focused on women in business to help promote and support the "Buy Women Owned" movement by the Women Owned foundation.
THE CHALLENGE: Create excitement around women's past and current accomplishments, inspiring people to continue to support women's future accomplishments. Mention the Women Make History campaign title and #ByWomenOwned hashtag within the design.
THE SOLUTION: A soft, dreamy color palette encases a time capsule of historic photos of women, paired with imagery of women today. The connection shows how women have always been outstanding and will continue to be. The campaign serves as a friendly reminder to keep supporting women, as they continue to do amazing things. The mix of different fonts and colors bring a playful tone and are shown with each individual women's picture to signify that everyone is special and unique. The use of different fonts/colors also helps to refresh the look of each post. The mix of colors also ties in with the array of tones used in the "O" of the Women Owned logo.